What is waste ???

Mr. Gadhiya's Blog
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

In 12th standard, my teacher gave me a very good comment by saying you are a waste for your family. At that time I was super angry but from that day I have started thinking about waste.
So many questions were coming into my mind daily like. What is waste? Is waste a bad thing? What are the benefits of being waste? Why do people think waste is a bad word? Is that because it smells bad? Because I was also skipping my bath for 3–3 days ;). And many more. But the best part is I was able to relate all the questions to myself.

In this blog, I’m writing to share my experience as a waste for a specific set of people in society and how it helps me to start thinking like a product manager. Yeah PM.

So, with all those questions in my mind, I was going back to my home from school. While going home I saw one woman was throwing garbage at the corner of the street and just next to that 2 cows were eating from that waste. It was an interesting view. I was waiting there for half an hour and one garbage collector came and took a few plastic bottles from that garbage mountain. After that, I left from there, And next day when I went there I saw the same situation that lady came on her time to throw her garbage bag, both cows were there as soon as they saw garbage has updated they started checking if anything edible is there or not and after 2 hours of waiting that guy came and started finding any good plastic bottles or any plastic material is there or not.

So, that was the story of 12th standard and after 1 year in the 3rd semester of my engineering life. That story got connected when my hostel warden told me you are the garbage. The reason was my room was completely messy, ( not like all the boy's rooms) my room had all the chocolate wrappers from the last 1 year. But at that time I didn’t feel bad at all.

But from both scenarios, I have found an answer to what is waste?

Ok so what is waste in my view?

Waste is not the garbage you throw, or what you see in the dustbin, or the feature which is not working correctly, or the student/employee who is not performing well?
As a human, anything which is not useful to me is a waste for me. But, it might not be a waste for others. On the 12th my teacher gave up on me because I was not scoring well. That lady who threw garbage on the side of the road that was not useful for her, the hostel warden has no clue what are the use cases for chocolate wrappers so that was waste for him, after eating tobacco that wrapper is waste for that person.

On the other side, 12th standard students become APM, that lady who throws garbage was a meal for that cow and 10Rs for that garbage collector. That chocolate wrapper was decorating material for me.

So, in conclusion, anything which defines waste might not be a solution to your problem but definitely is not a problem.

These are my views. Let me know what you think about this? If anyone has told you waste or you have told anyone waste.
Would love to know ….

